Our Consortium

DIGIPREDICT brings together three members from academia, two large R&D institutes, two hospitals, two high-tech SMEs and a management and communication SME from five European countries.

Between them, they address all the key challenges of the project by covering a wide range of disciplines including informatics (machine learning), engineering (embedded systems, sensors and wearables), medical science (organ-on-chip systems, digital medicine), translational science (clinical studies and research), ethical and regulatory frameworks. All consortium members have outstanding records of scientific excellence, from early and experienced post-docs to several young group leaders and to well-established leaders of large research groups.

DIGIPREDICT is a direct offspring of the thriving community created around the Health EU FET Flagship initiative and initiated by the Health EU board members EPFL, UTWENTE, ETHZ, and Charité. Hence, DIGIPREDICT can reach out to the established network of the Health EU initiative, grouping 110 partners and additional 80 stakeholders from large industries, patient and professional organizations, hospitals, insurance companies, regulatory bodies and innovative SME’s and investors.

DIGIPREDICT: a multi-faceted interdisciplinary consortium

The EPFL is one of the most dynamic university campuses in Europe and ranks among the top 20 universities worldwide.

Role in the project

Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory (NANOLAB) : silicon micro/nano‐electronics with special emphasis on the technology, design and modeling of low power nanoscale solid‐state devices and sensors and their integration into smart micro/nano‐systems. Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL): system-level multi-objective design methods, optimization methodologies and tools for high-performance embedded systems and nano-scale Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) architectures targeting the Internet-of-Things (IoT) Era.

Machine Learning and Optimization Laboratory (MLO) ML on the edge Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement (LMAM) wearable systems and algorithms for movement/activity detection and characterization, and interaction between long term activity and physiological time-series.

In addition, the EPFL Center for Intelligent Systems (CIS) provides its expertise to connect and support the scientific dimension of the project.

Adrian Mihai Ionescu Project coordinatorWP5 leader
Prof. David AtienzaData manager
Nataliya YakymetsWP2 leader
Prof. Martin JaggiWP2 leader
Prof. Kamiar Aminian
UTWENTE is a public research university hosting over 10.000 students. It offers degrees in the fields of social sciences, exact sciences and is highly specialized in engineering. Voted the most entrepreneurial university of the Netherlands, it has a long-standing reputation in research valorization and building the optimal startup and spinoff ecosystem. Its research focus is amongst others on Nanotechnology (MESA+ institute), personalized medicine (TechMed center) and ICT (Digital Society Institute), with top-level infrastructure.

Role in the project

Development of Heart-on-Chip and Vessel-on-Chip models, two types of OoC, by integrating human stem cell-derived heart tissues and vascular tissues in microfluidic chips

Prof. Albert van den Berg
Dr. Andries van der Meer WP3 leader
Prof. Loes Segerink
Prof. Mathieu Odijk
Prof.Robert Passier
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, offers an inspiring environment to more than 15,000 students and supports them with world-class infrastructure. More than 300 spin-off companies were created out of ETH Zurich, showing evidence for its innovative power. The QS World University Rankings® 2021 ranks ETHZ #6 worldwide, and #1 in continental Europe. Two of ETHZ’s major strategic foci are Health Sciences and Digital Sciences.

Role in the project

Exploratory biomarkers

Mr. Morten Vollmann
Prof. Dr. Christofer Hierold
IMEC-BE aims to be the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. As a trusted partner for companies, startups and academia we bring together brilliant minds from all over the world in a creative and stimulating environment. By leveraging our world-class infrastructure and local and global ecosystem of diverse partners across a multitude of industries, we are accelerating progress towards a connected, sustainable future.

Role in the project

Implementation of CMOS-based microelectrode array (MEA) chips with design and fabricate a new type of chip consisting of flexible mesh-like electrode arrays to serve as a barrier measurement device for heart-on-chip and vasculature-on-chip.

Dr. Dries Braeken
Mar Condor
Stichting IMEC Nederland is a non-profit open innovation research center that is part of the Holst Centre. It focuses on next generation wireless solutions and bridges the gap between fundamental research at universities and technology development in industry. It is active in technology development for ultralow-power radio and digital signal processing; micro-power generation, storage and management, and sensor and actuator technology. IMEC-NL builds system solutions in the area of health and lifestyle that contain embedded algorithms to address specific applications. Holst is an important player in low-power sensor and wearable devices, and their implementation in health and lifestyle applications. R&D activities are also actively focused on the generation of software that extracts key features from wearables and ubiquitous technology for lifestyle and mental health coaching (e.g. cardiorespiratory fitness, weight management, smoking dishabituation, stress). Its Wearable Health Solutions department collaborates extensively with several hospitals worldwide to fine tune its approaches and its hardware is commercialized by its industrial partners in both medical as well as lifestyle applications.

Role in the project

Development of a custom chipset for the readout of the sensors developed by EPFL.

Bernard Grundlehner Exploitation manager WP4 leader
Willemijn Groenendaal
Established in 1710, Charité is one of the largest university hospitals in Europe with close to 100 different Departments and Institutes and more than 3,700 researchers. It combines research, teaching, and clinical care. It lays claim to more than half of all German Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine. Since 2007, Charité participated in several MSCA actions and is currently involved in over 80 EU projects.
The Charité will be engaged in the project with the clinic for cardiothoracic surgery in close collaboration with the German Heart Center Berlin.

Role in the project

The Charité will be engaged in the project with the clinic for cardiothoracic surgery in close collaboration with the German Heart Center Berlin.

Laurenz Kopp Fernandes WP1 leader
PD Dr. Alexander Meyer
PD Dr. Felix Schönrath
The participating institution will be the department of emergency medicine at UBERN. With 18,000 students and 3,000 PhD students, UBERN is the third largest university in Switzerland and was ranked 110 in the 2019 Times World University Rankings. The university’s comprehensive offer includes 8 faculties with more than 150 institutes and 9 inter- and transdisciplinary centres of excellence. UBERN hosts several internationally recognised research centres, including CTU, a large Clinical Trials Unit running several international multicentre trials and “MUST”, the National Centre of Competence in Research on Molecular Ultrafast Sciences and Technology, co-hosted with ETHZ. UBERN has 126 completed FP7 projects and currently hosts about 80 EU-funded projects from FP7 and Horizon 2020.
Prof. Wolf Hautz WP1 leader
Founded in 2005, SCIPROM is an SME specialised in the management and communication of large research projects. SCIPROM supports coordinators from the initial project idea to the final report, in project set-up, negotiation, management and communication. Our project managers have a solid scientific background with 5-15 years of research activity, as well as in-depth experience in project management, including training in IP and financial issues.

Role in the project

SCIPROM supports coordinators from the first project idea to the final report, in project set-up, negotiation, management and communication.

Dr. Kirsten Leufgen Administrative manager WP6 leader
Dr. Peter Ulrich
Filippo Gander
Dr. Véronique Gobry
Dominique Stücker
Ascilion is a high-tech SME, founded in 2012, dedicated to the pioneering of hollow microneedles for health applications. Its ambition is to develop differentiated and innovative technology and products which have the potential to make a real difference to people’s lives, and of course to society in general.
Ascilion’s strategy is to make full use of the company’s unique microneedle technology to develop a platform of diagnostic and test systems in areas of high unmet medical and industrial need where microneedles offer a clear advantage over existing products and technologies.

Role in the project

Design and manufacture chips with arrays of ultra-sharp, hollow microneedles in monocrystalline silicon using micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) technology.

Markus Renlund, CEO
Pelle Rangsten, CTO
Mikael Hillmering, R&D Eng.
Alexander Engman, R&D Eng.
EPOS-IASIS is a vibrant nano-biotechnology SME in Cyprus amassed expertise in the translational nanotheranostics, molecular imaging and cell-based technologies, with emphasis on hybrid (cell+electronics) systems and biofunctionalisation, harnessing molecules and light for faster diagnosis and better prognosis. The vision of EPOS-IASIS is to become a long standing reliable partner in health care and establish itself as a leading research, development and education enterprise in the European environment.

Role in the project

Biofunctionalisation of selective biomarker nanosensors; networking, education activities and designing the public acceptance for swift clinical translation of digital twins.

Dr. Andreani Odysseos Community building manager
Dr. Maria Kokonou
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017915 (DIGIPREDICT).
©2021 DIGIPREDICT Project – Developed by SCIPROM —